Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Enough is Enough

Do you ever have one of those seasons where you feel like the hits just keep coming?  From stress at work to the kids having trouble in school to not getting enough time with my husband.  Life just seems to be getting too hard to handle right now.  

I wish my work offered a sabbatical.  I'd probably run off to India to find my inner peace and practice Bikram yoga all day.  But they don't.  So, I have to suck it up...put on my big girl panties and just keep swimming.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Back to blogging

I have often been most at peace when I've been writing.  It's been awhile, March 21, 2012 since I last wrote on my old blog.  And so much has happened since then.  Although I've only gotten busier with my family, my career and my life, I've always found writing cathartic and I think it's time to come back to that.

You see, what initially started off as a blog to help keep myself motivated while trying to lose weight, turned into a series of posts strung together by one common thread, self improvement.  Over the span of a little less than two years, I wrote about everything.  And it all started with my desire to live a healthier life with my very first blog post, which was almost like a cry for help.  It was three months after I delivered my sweet baby Jackson into this world.  I was working again and playing full-time mom to him and our 5 year old Savannah at the time.  On the outside, it looked like I led a great life.  I was a successful urban planner, was coming up on 9 years of marriage, and had two children that loved me. But something was still not right.  I was simply not happy.  I felt myself slipping into an all too familiar dark place that I had ventured into every once in awhile over the past 15 years or so.  I knew that I had to make a change, for me and for my children.  I knew that I could never love them, or anyone else for that matter, if I didn't love myself.  Looking in the mirror, I couldn't find one thing that I loved about myself.  So, I did this Project Get Fit - Day One .   Little did I know, that one blog post would motivate me to be the best Heather I could be.

Looking back at that blog, which I no longer remember the password to (only one of the reasons I decided to start this new adventure), I realized that I did not post again until a year later (2011) and the transformation is hard to believe.  Not only was I 60 pounds lighter, I was also a new woman.  During my year of change, I also went through a divorce.  And while divorce is never easy and never fun, I am a better woman and mother because of who I am now.  I am still good friends with my ex-husband, in fact, we try to have joint birthday parties for our kids every year.

Over the next two years, I went through an incredible life transformation that had me at some of the lowest points in my life, looking for an ounce of hope and inspiration.  Most of which I found in online groups and self help books.  And while I didn't always write about everything, I seemed to write when I needed it most, when I needed to process, learn and grow.  What started years ago as a way to keep myself accountable for the life changes I wanted to make, turned into a form of therapy for me.  I can honestly say that I've never been happier, more challenged and more loved than I am now.  I won't guarantee I'll write a post a day, a post a week, or even a post a month...but I promise you it won't be a post a year.  There's simply too much going on when you're Blended With Fire.